Vous vous apprêtez à faire votre choix pour la prochaine élection municipale. Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter notre plateforme électorale, élaborée par tous les candidats de Brossard ensemble. Notre équipe cumule le plus grand nombre d’années à siéger au conseil municipal et cela se reflète dans le plan de match réaliste et réalisable que nous vous présentons.

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Our main commitments…

for a green city

to beautify our neighborhoods

to improve access to the river

for seniors and families

For safer streets

for a low tax bill


  • Reduction of the city’s ecological footprint in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 at the latest.
  • Support for citizen initiatives, including the addition of community gardens.
  • Improvement of the city’s performance in terms of waste collection (food residues, recycling, garbage, glass, etc.) while adapting collection management to the needs of citizens.
  • Implementation of noise reduction measures along major arteries.

The rest of Brossard Ensemble’s commitments for the environment will be unveiled when the election platform is published.

For a Green City

Determined to make Brossard an even greener city, the Brossard Ensemble team intends to take a bold stand for the environment by taking actions that will make a difference in the fight against climate change. Protection of natural and agricultural areas, ambitious planting of trees, establishment of flowery meadows, community gardens and electrical terminals, Brossard Ensemble offers a multitude of green initiatives to fight against heat islands and protect natural environments and make them accessible to citizens.

Doreen Assaad ended her first term as mayor by making a strong gesture for the environment with the creation of a Metropolitan Agricultural Park of more than 20 hectares. Brossard will thus protect important natural environments so that citizens will have access to freshly cultivated products in their city with the renewal of land on its territory. The urban agriculture policy adopted last year was described as ambitious and innovative and with the creation of the Metropolitan Park, Ms. Assaad demonstrates that she has the means to achieve her ambitions.

Brossard Ensemble intends to continue its efforts to preserve during a second term as the party undertakes to ban any residential, commercial or industrial development south-east of the A-30, a territory equivalent to five times the park of the Mont Royal.

If the Brossard Ensemble team is elected, residents will also be able to benefit from a brand new biopark, a natural space where they can observe nature and indulge in their favorite outdoor activities. Located in the Center de plein air and Boisé de Brossard, the biopark will have a network of high-quality trails and interpretation sites for walking, cycling and cross-country skiing.

Pushing the environmental challenge even further in order to fight against climate change, the outgoing mayor’s team is committed to pursuing its objective of adding trees to the territory by planting no less than 10,000 trees over the course of a future mandate, and to create an ecological corridor of more than three kilometers under Hydro-Québec lines in order to promote biodiversity, contribute to the survival of pollinators and beautify the sector.

The election platform that will be unveiled later during the campaign contains a host of other actions aimed at restricting the use of single-use plastic, saving on drinking water and reducing Brossard’s ecological footprint. Brossard Ensemble believes that with its dynamic and experienced team of candidates, they will be able to achieve these ambitions for the environment.

“We want Brossard to stand out for its commitment to the environment and for citizens to be proud of it. Our actions will have a direct impact on our ecological footprint, but also on the quality of life of citizens. In their neighborhood, in their leisure time and even on their plate, Brossard residents will see concrete results from our ecological actions,” underlines Doreen Assaad, candidate for mayor and head of Brossard Ensemble.

For a simply beautiful city

We Strive for You is more than a slogan for Doreen Assaad’s team. This is the motivation that will guide future elected officials in all of their decisions. Brossard Ensemble is committed to ensuring that at the end of the next term, citizens of all neighborhoods will be even more proud to live in their city, because it will be more beautiful, simply more beautiful. It will be a multitude of simple gestures that will make it possible to say “mission accomplished” by comparing the before and after in four years. At Brossard Ensemble, we talk about an automatic response of beautification that will affect all aspects of municipal management.

Both neighborhood streets and urban boulevards, as well as shorelines, parks or vacant spaces are likely to be embellished. Ms. Assaad’s candidates also intend to be very demanding on the aesthetics and quality of future real estate developments. We want green, warm developments, in harmony with existing residences and comparable with the most beautiful neighborhoods elsewhere in the world.

The team also intends to lead by example when the time comes to develop the land of the former Metro grocery store on Milan, acquired by the city. It is committed to ensuring that the future municipal building that will be built there integrates well with the existing environment, but is also a source of pride for the citizens of the area.

Regarding the redevelopment of existing sectors, Brossard Ensemble will ensure better supervision of construction projects in order to allow revitalization that respects the character and soul of the neighborhood. We embellish, but we do not distort.

Once the Brossard Ensemble team is returned to power, citizens can expect to see flowery streets, better-maintained green spaces and decorative trees and shrubs appear in strategic locations, as candidates commit to moving into action from next spring.

In addition, when the City succeeds in acquiring the Maison Brossard heritage site, candidates from Ms. Assaad’s party will make the site development a priority for the administration. For them, if there is a place where Brossard pride should shine, it is in this emblematic place.

“We want all citizens to love their city, to find it beautiful and to be proud of it. Citizen initiatives aimed at beautifying streets, neighborhoods or parks will be welcome at City Hall, because citizens have always been at the heart of Brossard Ensemble’s priorities ”, underlines Doreen Assaad, candidate for mayor and head of Brossard Ensemble.


  • To beautify the municipality by considerably increasing the number of decorative or edible flowers and shrubs on the main arteries of the city. Micro forests, urban wasteland, fruit trees and shrubs and flowery meadows will also be developed under Hydro-Québec lines and in parks. The selection of plants chosen will favor native species.
  • Consult the citizens, during the revision of the Particular Urban Plan, to supervise the future developments of the Taschereau district, including the TOD Panama in order to offer a good quality of life to its residents and for all the citizens of Brossard to access a commercial, cultural and educational offerings.
  • Adopt new ways of doing things to better control weeds and invasive species.
  • Continue to distribute investments across all sectors of the city.
  • Preserve the character and soul of neighborhoods when new constructions are established.
  • Regularly carry out more inspections in order to better enforce regulations (overgrown grass, rubbish, noise, etc.).

All of Brossard Ensemble’s other commitments for enhancement will be unveiled when the election platform is published.

For better access to the river

The development of parks, trails and water access along the St. Lawrence River is one of the strongest commitments of this Brossard Ensemble election campaign. Convinced of the strong will of citizens to reclaim the river and its banks, the outgoing mayor and her team make it a key element of a future mandate.

At the heart of Brossard Ensemble’s ambitions for access to water is the commitment to develop a signature quality beach park on the shores of the St. Lawrence, on the site of the current Léon-Gravel Park. Considering the beauty of the landscape there, the candidates of Ms. Assaad’s team want to make it a beach park worthy of becoming emblematic of Brossard. The ultimate goal is to allow water sports enthusiasts, such as sailing, kayaking or fishing to have quality access that respects flora and fauna. The addition of docks and a service building is also planned. Thanks to the work of the outgoing mayor, the candidates have enough confidence to finally be able to acquire the site and therefore commit to carrying out the first phases of the work during the next term. Remember that the land is currently owned by the Canadian Government and that the City of Brossard has indicated its interest in acquiring it. Brossard Ensemble is also committed to working with the federal government to facilitate the development of another park located in the area of the old Champlain Bridge.

Committed to preserving and making the waterfront accessible to citizens, Ms. Assaad and her team also plan to acquire another piece of land along the river, the one just behind the Marcelle-Ferron Center. Ms. Assaad also led the city to impose a land reserve on February 16 in order to eventually acquire it. Brossard Ensemble is committed to consulting the population to make it a park that will meet the expectations of citizens.

Brossard Ensemble also intends to actively support the efforts of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM), which is currently seeking funding from governments for the development of parks and trails on the seaway dyke. In addition to greatly improving the landscaped areas on the shore, these developments would complement Brossard’s efforts to have a public waterfront that is incredibly attractive.

“We’re finally getting there! I have the firm conviction that we will be able to develop our shores in a manner worthy of what we deserve as of the next term. I have dreamed of it since I started in politics and I am happy that my team has made it a key commitment of our campaign. This testifies to our desire to offer the best to Brossard residents, but also demonstrates our concern for the environment and the preservation of the riverbanks for public purposes,” underlines Doreen Assaad, mayoral candidate and chef by Brossard Ensemble.


Brossard Ensemble intends to improve access to the St. Lawrence River by developing parks, including a beach, to allow family, sports, recreational activities as well as a wharf:

  • Continue the mayor’s steps to develop a signature quality beach park on the current site of Léon-Gravel Park; starting work in the next term.
  • Acquire another piece of land behind the Marcelle-Ferron center; imposition of a land reserve for park purposes on February 16.
  • Actively support the efforts of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM), which is currently seeking funding from governments for the development of parks and trails on the seaway dyke.

The rest of Brossard Ensemble’s commitments for the environment will be unveiled when the election platform is published.

For seniors and families

Poursuite du projet de centre 50 +

Doreen Assaad réaffirme sa volonté de construire un centre d’activités pour les 50 ans et plus. Fidèle à son engagement de consulter les citoyens, ce projet majeur – qui constitue une première à Brossard – a démarré en février 2020 par une série de cafés-rencontres avec des aînés. Cette démarche était également assortie d’un sondage en ligne qui a permis à plus de 700 citoyens d’exprimer leurs préférences quant aux activités et aux installations qu’ils souhaiteraient retrouver dans cette infrastructure-phare pour la Ville.

« Nous avons voulu impliquer les citoyens tôt dans le processus décisionnel afin de leur permettre de contribuer activement à la prise de décisions. Ainsi, la démarche d’idéation nous aura permis de constater l’accueil très favorable des Brossardois envers ce projet et aura confirmé qu’il correspond réellement à des besoins clairement exprimés par les principaux intéressés », affirme la mairesse Doreen Assaad et cheffe de Brossard Ensemble, insistant sur le fait que les activités du centre 50 + viendront compléter la programmation déjà offerte par les organismes accrédités.

« Nous sommes optimistes quant aux résultats des démarches qui seront entreprises en vue d’obtenir des subventions gouvernementales. Une fois ce dossier réglé, mon équipe et moi serons impatients de passer rapidement à la prochaine étape, soit : le lancement d’un concours architectural, souligne la Mairesse avec enthousiasme.

Famille, multigénérationnel et inclusion

Parallèlement à ce projet, l’équipe de Brossard Ensemble s’engage à bonifier l’offre en loisirs pour les familles et à favoriser les contacts intergénérationnels dans les espaces récréatifs. L’implantation et la revitalisation des parcs de quartiers passera en mode accéléré, avec l’ajout d’équipements récréatifs extérieurs, afin de répondre davantage aux besoins multigénérationnels.

Ainsi, des jeux d’eau, de l’équipement d’entraînement, un pumptrack pour les vélos, des terrains de pickleball, de tennis, de pétanque, de cricket, de ping pong, seront aménagés dans ces espaces publics. Une attention sera portée afin d’offrir, là où c’est possible, des installations pour les personnes à mobilité réduite. Brossard Ensemble s’engage aussi à augmenter la fréquentation des parcs durant la saison hivernale par, entre autres, l’ajout d’une patinoire réfrigérée ainsi que des pistes de ski de fond et de raquettes. L’équipe de Doreen Assaad veillera aussi à donner un accès sécuritaire à des toilettes publiques dans les parcs.

Des pistes cyclables séparées de celles des piétons seront également aménagées pour améliorer la sécurité et le confort de tous les usagers, qu’ils soient petits ou grands, sportifs du dimanche ou grands routiers. Il va sans dire qu’une attention toute particulière à la beauté et à la convivialité des installations fera partie des paramètres de réflexion.

L’offre en loisirs sera également revue à la hausse afin de répondre encore mieux à la demande grandissante, notamment en ce qui a trait aux activités offertes par la Ville, comme les cours de natation. L’ajout de pavillons dans les parcs pour des activités de danse, de yoga, de conférences, de manifestations artistiques, etc. s’inscrit également dans la foulée des initiatives prévues.

La culture fait également partie de l’offre en loisirs. À ce chapitre, Brossard Ensemble entend revoir l’offre en activités culturelles pour les aînés, les familles et les jeunes en vue de la bonifier. La possibilité d’implanter une deuxième bibliothèque sur le territoire de la Ville sera également évaluée.


« La ville de Brossard compte dix infrastructures culturelles, qui constituent autant d’occasions de maximiser leur utilisation », fait valoir la mairesse sortante.

« Augmenter l’offre en loisirs pour les aînés et les familles fait partie de nos six principales priorités de la présente campagne. Ce n’est pas seulement une question de bonification des services ; c’est pour nous un legs rassembleur et essentiel pour toute la population de Brossard », conclut Doreen Assaad.

For safer streets

Doreen Assaad, Chief of Brossard Ensemble and incumbent Mayor, is adamant that the city must have a police station on its territory. As Brossard will soon pass the 100 000 inhabitants threshold, this demand appears obvious to all the candidates of the Party, who also intend to implement additional security measures in each of the city’s neighbourhoods.

“Since the very beginning of my mandate, considering the growth trends of the city, it became clear that we had to swim against the current, rather than in a reactive mode, to provide Brossard with a proper police station. We have made representations to the Agglomeration of Longueuil and to the Ministry of Public Security. We must maintain this demand, because sooner or later, all stakeholders will agree that this is the best option to guarantee the security of the citizens of a city of 100 000 inhabitants. So, why not think ahead as of now?”, asks the outgoing mayor.

Although the police station is one of the major commitments of Brossard Ensemble, all of the daily concerns of the citizens will be taken into consideration and treated fairly. Among some of the concerns are the following: speeding mainly around school zones, safety in parks and pedestrian paths, respect of pedestrian crossings, as well as path and street lighting.

“The numerous citizen consultation forums and the door-to-door canvassing carried out by our candidates have enabled us to collect and update the list of citizens’ needs. Each neighbourhood has differing issues that will need to be addressed. This is why we will work among several fronts”, says the leader of Brossard Ensemble. “One of the avenues will be to review the effectiveness of the Circulation Committee so that the decisions made therein efficiently process citizen requests and feedback.

Public Safety, One Issue at a Time

Many comments have been made with regards to the safety of the city’s multi-purpose trails. This is why Brossard Ensemble has included in its electoral platform infrastructure projects to widen several bicycle paths, while ensuring that pedestrian paths are separated from the bicycle paths. Awareness campaigns aimed at educating cyclists with regards to the 20 kilometres per hour speed limit on their dedicated lanes will also be deployed.

“As a party concerned with the promotion of active mobility and considering the diversity of available transportation options, it is important that transportation cohabitation remain harmonious on the various pathways and streets. With these new measures, we are convinced that the network will evolve to meet the expectations of our citizens”, adds the Chief of Brossard Ensemble.

It has often been reported that access to public restrooms in parks is a problem. Brossard Ensemble is committed to providing maximum and safe access to public restrooms throughout our various green spaces across the city.

“I have heard the concerns reported by the candidates in each district during their door-to-door campaigns. Our intention is to intervene quickly where possible and in the medium term, based on a specially designed intervention plan. We want families to feel proud of their neighbourhoods and we agree with them. Several candidates of Brossard Ensemble are parents of young children and others work with the youth. They are in a position to understand these concerns”, says Doreen Assaad.

“Traffic circulation has always been a priority issue for all residents. You can count on me to ensure that regulations are better respected, for the safety of all citizens. For this reason, among many, the establishment of a police station is a must. Without a police station, it is like adding sections to your house without planning for the steps required to ensure the comfort of the inhabitants of the house,” concludes the outgoing mayor.

For low taxes

Outgoing Mayor Doreen Assaad will keep the tax bill as low as possible without exceeding the inflation threshold

Doreen Assaad, leader of Brossard Ensemble and outgoing mayor, undertakes to keep the tax bill as low as possible without exceeding the inflation threshold. To achieve this goal, Doreen and the elected representatives of Brossard Ensemble will continue to govern with exemplary rigor by perceiving anything that could intervene in an undue manner in the good management of the City’s resources.

“During the last mandate, the elected representatives of Brossard Ensemble demonstrated attentive management by keeping the tax bill low and even freezing it twice. We undertake to administer with the same firmness in order to respect the capacity of citizens to pay and maintain taxes in Brossard among the lowest in the region,” insists Doreen Assaad.

Thus, the execution of the services delivered to citizens will be measured by the analysis of requests addressed to Services Brossard. For their part, the departments will be subject to accountability for the sound management of physical and financial assets. Simultaneously, Doreen Assaad will continue to ensure that programs and projects implemented meet deadlines, costs and quality expectations. This will be done within the contract monitoring committee.

“This year, we accepted the challenge of completing the construction of the Aquatic Center on time and without cost overruns, demonstrating that it is possible to do this without compromising on the quality of a project. As there is no progress without evaluation, rigorous monitoring of the performance of the administration will be ensured”, continues Mrs. Assaad.

Outgoing Mayor Doreen Assaad also guarantees that each district will have its fair share of investments, for the sake of fairness to all citizens. Thus, the sums allocated to infrastructure, such as streets, parks or street furniture, will be evenly distributed in all sectors of the city.

The Party will also undertake to force the Agglomeration of Longueuil to adopt best practices and to be more rigorous in order to mitigate the impacts on our finances.

“Brossard will continue to be a participatory member, while advocating for the interests of citizens and equity between the cities within the Agglomeration. Thus, the citizens of Brossard will have their fair share of services, at a fair cost,” she continues.

Write to us

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I want to support the team.

“Since the founding of our party, thousands of people have joined the vast new collective created by Brossard Ensemble. They are in turn volunteers, donors, supporters, candidates or committee members.

Team up with these citizens who believe, just like you, in an open and participatory democracy.


Phone number

  • 450. 800-9900

Email address

  • contact@BrossardENSEMBLE.ca

Electoral office:

  • 7883 boul. Taschereau
    Brossard, Qc

Postal address:

  • C.P. 50582 CSP Carrefour Pelletier
    For you
    J4X 2V7